Mel W, Innovation Strategist

I’m super happy where I am but feeling a bit of pride for my old self who struggled through all those years of not knowing and feeling not good enough.

Thank you for always believing in me and holding space for me when I was trying to find my way. I wanted to share my small moment of joy since you’ve held me through a lot of pain.

Nando, Artist & Chef

Talking to you in the Vondel park really opened up my eye to a lot of things I need to be doing, I really thank you for that. Maybe that was your mission in my life. I know I am capable of great things and through your inspiring words you reminded me of that. That there is no limit to what can be done with confidence and belief in ones self. I really appreciate the whole experience. Thank you!

Elle M., Designer & Sculptor

You are building a new generation of warriors or monks or creative zen zeitgeists

Based on your own trials, experience and wealth of sage life knowledge you are so willing to share with anyone, especially outliers, aliens. 

You are the abbot. Thank you for opening the door. 


  • The name "THE ÅLiEN SCõÖL" (tÅs) embodies the essence of our approach to creativity and learning. The term "Alien" symbolizes the unconventional, the unexplored, and the extraordinary. We believe that creativity resides in the realm of the unknown, the yet-to-be-discovered aspects of ourselves and the universe.

    Just as an alien explores new worlds and perspectives, we encourage our students to venture into uncharted territories of their creativity, to embrace the unfamiliar, and to challenge established norms. The name reflects our commitment to helping individuals break free from societal constraints, allowing their unique creative voices to emerge.

    Moreover, the word "Alien" also conveys a sense of unity and inclusivity. In a world where differences often divide us, we celebrate the diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and talents of every individual. We believe that embracing our "alien" qualities – the aspects that make us unique – fosters a rich tapestry of creativity and innovation.

    At tÅs, being "Alien" means being bold, curious, and open-minded. It signifies embracing the unknown with enthusiasm, approaching creativity with a sense of wonder, and celebrating the limitless possibilities that come from exploring the unexplored. The name reflects our belief that every individual has the potential to be an extraordinary creator, capable of shaping the future in profound and unexpected ways.

  • tÅs transcends the traditional notion of a school. We're not just an institution; we're a vibrant, ever-evolving community that nurtures creativity, innovation, and personal growth. While we don't fit the conventional mold of a school, we embody the spirit of lifelong learning, exploration, and self-discovery. At tÅs, we believe in learning through experience, curiosity, and the boundless potential of the human spirit. Think of us as a sanctuary for your creative soul, a place where your imagination can run free, and your aspirations can find wings. We are a guiding light, empowering you to craft your unique path in this world.

  • Your Result is a Universal Result in your Creåtive Experience. It will impact everyone you see and interact with. It will impact how you see the world, and how you create with the world that you see. It will impact the impact you have on your world - and my world - because we live in the same world.

    Why would we not want your world to be a better place? Like tomorrow.

  • At tÅs, we celebrate the artist in every soul, regardless of whether you identify as a traditional artist or not. Creativity knows no bounds—it's not confined to canvas and paint. Whether you express yourself through words, numbers, technology, or any other medium, you're an artist in your own right. Our approach is about nurturing the creative spirit within you, helping you explore your unique talents and perspectives. You don't need to be a traditional artist; you need only be willing to embrace your creativity and curiosity. tÅs is here to guide you, inspire you, and help you uncover the artist within, whatever form it may take.

  • Investing in your creativity is not limited to creative professionals; it's an investment in your overall well-being and personal growth. Creativity enhances problem-solving skills, encourages innovative thinking, and fosters adaptability – valuable traits in any field. By nurturing your creative spirit, you unlock the power to approach challenges with fresh perspectives, find unique solutions, and transform your everyday experiences. Creativity isn't confined to artistry; it's about approaching life with curiosity and openness, allowing you to enrich your personal relationships, enhance your work performance, and find fulfillment in your passions. Investing in your creativity at tÅs is an investment in a more vibrant, inspired, and purposeful life, regardless of your professional background.

  • You will have a creåtive vision for your world and ours, and you will feel how brilliantly impactful your clear vision can be on your world.

    As such, you will feel as though you can have a beautiful impact on our world.

    We already know how cool your vision is, which is why we created THE ÅŁÏEN SCÕÖL, and why you are here on this website.

    These are just facts 👾

    Our investment is matched by yours, creating an energetic entanglement nearly as powerful as the quantum entanglement that all of the long-haired physicists are talking about ⚡️

    We want to support you in understanding and uplifting the value of what you create, how you create, and all of the creativity around you. As such you will be supported by our full and enthusiastic investment in your creative betterment.

    This is also what is known as a mutual investment, one in which your youness will legitimately make our connected world a better place through your enthusiastic creativity.

  • The creative spirit is the essence of your imaginative and expressive self. It's the source of your unique ideas, thoughts, and inspirations that can manifest in various forms such as art, writing, innovation, problem-solving, and more. Every individual possesses a creative spirit, and it manifests differently for each person. It's not limited to traditional artistic talents but extends to all aspects of life, including how you approach challenges, relationships, and personal growth.

    At tÅs, we believe in nurturing and celebrating this inherent creativity within every individual. Our coaching and guidance help you tap into your creative spirit, explore your passions, and express yourself authentically. We provide a supportive environment where you can discover the depths of your creativity, regardless of your background or experience. Embracing your creative spirit can lead to profound personal transformation, enhanced self-awareness, and a more fulfilling life.

  • tÅs operates as a transformative creative sanctuary rather than a traditional school. We offer personalized coaching and guidance to individuals seeking to explore, nurture, and unleash their creative potential. Our approach is holistic, focusing on both personal and professional development. Upon enrolling, you'll embark on a journey tailored specifically to your aspirations and challenges.

    Our process begins with an in-depth consultation where we listen intently to your goals, dreams, and struggles. We then craft a customized roadmap, incorporating a blend of one-on-one coaching sessions, interactive workshops, immersive experiences, and thought-provoking assignments. Through these interactions, you'll delve into self-discovery, creativity-enhancing exercises, and profound insights that go beyond conventional education.

    We believe in the power of community and connection. You'll have the opportunity to engage with a diverse network of like-minded individuals, fostering collaboration, support, and inspiration. Our guidance doesn't just end with the sessions – we provide ongoing encouragement, resources, and a nurturing environment that enables your creativity to flourish.

    At tÅs, we're not just educators; we're partners in your creative journey, dedicated to helping you unlock your fullest potential and create a life that resonates with your authentic self. Through our personalized approach and unwavering support, we empower you to embrace creativity as a way of life, transforming not only your creative abilities but also your entire perspective on the world.

  • tÅs is not therapy in the traditional sense. While therapy focuses on addressing specific mental health issues and emotional challenges,

    tÅs is designed to ignite, nurture, and expand your creative spirit. We provide guidance, coaching, and a supportive environment tailored to your unique creative goals. Our approach is about empowering you to explore your creativity, unlock your potential, and achieve your aspirations. While the process may be therapeutic and deeply enriching, tÅs does not substitute for professional therapy. If you have specific mental health concerns, we recommend seeking the expertise of a licensed therapist or counselor. At tÅs, our focus is on fostering creativity, self-discovery, and personal growth through a holistic and empowering approach.

  • Investing in tÅs and our coaching/support offers you a transformative journey toward unlocking your full creative potential.

    At tÅs, we believe that investing in your creativity is an investment in your overall well-being, happiness, and success. It's a journey that can truly transform your life, encouraging you to live uniquely and create confidently on your terms.

    Here's what you can expect to gain:

    Self-Acceptance: Our coaching sessions provide a safe space for self-exploration. You'll uncover hidden talents, passions, and unique perspectives, gaining a deep understanding of who you are and what truly inspires you.

    Creative Confidence: Through tailored guidance and encouragement, you'll build confidence in your creative abilities. You'll learn to trust your ideas, take creative risks, and express yourself authentically.

    An Innovator's Mindset: We nurture innovative thinking, helping you approach challenges with fresh perspectives. You'll develop the ability to generate inventive solutions, both in your creative projects and in your everyday life.

    Intentional Growth: Our coaching goes beyond creativity, fostering holistic personal growth. You'll cultivate resilience, emotional intelligence, and a positive mindset, empowering you to navigate life's complexities with grace and creativity.

    Actionable Feedback: By joining tÅs, you become part of a vibrant, supportive creative community. You'll connect with like-minded individuals, share ideas, collaborate on projects, and receive valuable feedback, enriching your creative journey.

    Enhanced Life Skills: The skills and insights you gain at tÅs are not just for the moment; they're life-long assets. You'll acquire tools to continually nurture your creativity, ensuring that your newfound abilities continue to flourish long after your coaching sessions end.

    Enhanced Creative Vision: Ultimately, your investment in tÅs leads to a profound sense of fulfillment. You'll discover the joy of creative expression, find purpose in your work, and experience a deeper connection to yourself and the world around you.

  • The perfect moment to embark on your creative journey with tÅs is now.

    Creativity knows no timeline, and your potential is not bound by any calendar. Whether you're at the beginning of your creative exploration, in the midst of a project, or feeling the urge to reignite your creative spark, tÅs is here to support you. Every moment you invest in your creativity is a moment of growth, self-discovery, and transformation. By starting now, you're giving yourself the gift of possibility and the opportunity to nurture your creative spirit to its fullest potential. Don't wait for tomorrow; let your creative adventure begin today.

  • tÅs is open to human and alien beings of all ages who are passionate about exploring, enhancing, and understanding their unique creativity.

    We believe creativity knows no age limits, and we welcome anyone who is eager to embark on a transformative journey, regardless of their age. Whether you're a young adult, a professional in the midst of your career, a parent, or a retiree, our guidance and support are tailored to meet you where you are on your creative path. Our diverse community benefits from the varied perspectives and experiences each individual brings, enriching the collective creative spirit of tÅs. So, regardless of your age, if you have a deep-seated desire to nurture your creative spirit, tÅs is the perfect place for you to explore, learn, and grow.

We must do to be

We must be to do

The doing is the essence of the being

The learning is the process of the doing

The growth is the result of the learning

The illumination comes in seeing the growth clearly 🌱

New Intervïew

New Intervïew

Oli Anderson interviews tÅs Founder, Kamau Z. Åkabueze, on his creative philosophy and the boundlessness of the creative spirit. In his words: “What I really loved about this conversation was the organic energy that unfolded and built upon itself – Kamau is also truly gifted at explaining some of the potentially complex ideas around this ‘stuff’ in an incredibly REAL and human way whilst also transmitting his message with presence and pure energy.”